Woman Taking Shower
Woman Taking Shower

Are you looking to take your shower experience to the next level? Well, look no further than waterproof headphones! Here are 7 reasons why you need them for your next shower:

  1. Listen to your favorite tunes while you lather up - No more singing off-key in the shower! With waterproof headphones, you can listen to your favorite songs and sing along without anyone hearing.
  2. Keep up with the latest news - Don't miss out on the latest headlines while you're in the shower. With waterproof headphones, you can stay informed even when you're getting clean.
  3. Enjoy some peace and quiet - If you need a break from all of life's noise, waterproof headphones are perfect for providing some peace and quiet during your shower time.
  4. Get motivated with motivational podcasts - Need a little extra motivation? Put on one of your favorite motivational podcasts and get inspired while you rinse off!
  5. Take calls hands-free - Don't worry about missing important calls while in the shower anymore! With waterproof headphones, you can take calls hands-free so that nothing interrupts your me-time.
  6. Learn a new language - What better way to learn a new language than by listening to it while taking a relaxing shower? With waterproof headphones, learning a new language has never been easier (or more enjoyable!).
  7. Have fun with friends - Want to have some fun with friends while in the shower? Waterproof headphones make it easy to chat with friends or play games together without worrying about water damage!

I recommend the Apple AirPods Pro. Although not a completely waterproof headphone, they are water resistant and I use them in the shower all the time. The sound quality is excellent and since my iPhone 12 is also water resistant, I have on occasion watch YouTube videos in the shower. Total submersion in water with the AirPods is definitely not recommended.

AirPods Pro
AirPods Pro

I also recommend Shokz Openswim if you want to hit pool for some laps and then keep them on for a shower. The headphones use bone conduction so you don't have to put anything in your ears. The Shokz Openswim does not fall off while you are doing laps in the pool. The Shokz Openswim does not have bluetooth so you have to upload your music.

Shokz Openswim
Shokz Openswim